Hi there😊It’s weekend again and I guess you had a great start for the weekend. Have a seat, bite on some biscuit as we delve into another session of christian apologetics.

As a Christian Apologist, your main goal is to win souls not to win arguments or debates. You may win an argument but lose the soul. It will be better to lose an argument and win a soul than the vice versa. We should always remember that Apologetics is an Evangelistic tool with the prime motive to win souls for Christ…

10 Comments Add yours

    1. Papberry says:

      Yeah, thanks for reading😊


      1. Bonsai says:

        We shouldn’t get all clinical unless the non-believer is as I was analytical. I just made a good quote! Please someone meme Bonsai

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Papberry says:

        Haha! That’s a good one😊


  1. I need to learn more about apologetics and get better at them. I’ve never brought anyone to Christ. I need to be better. Anyways, I like your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Papberry says:

      Thank you Lisa.
      Stick around for more…
      There are other apologetics posts on the blog…feel free to look up😊.


  2. Rick says:

    At this point on my walk of faith, I have no time left to argue. I have all day to share my testimony and listen and be a gentle witness! Thank you for sharing your walk of faith and writing ministry!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Papberry says:

      Thank you and God bless you as always🙏


  3. this is good! I used to be interested in winning an argument and win a soul at the same time. I believe that was nothing but pride. Now, for the last few decades. I am more interested in winning a soul to the Lord. We have no time to waste for the Lord is returning soon. Winning an argument will not get anyone to heaven and possibly only close doors. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Papberry says:

      Thank you too!
      Most definitely arguments do more harm than good.
      God bless you.


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